307 Wellington St, Sarnia, ON N7T 1H4, Canada  Call our office at  519.383.6655
Dawkins Chiropractic

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Most people are familiar with what acupuncture is but are unsure of how it works and what it’s used for. Acupuncture was developed thousands of years ago in China. In our office we use Medical Acupuncture also known as Dry Needling. It incorporates traditional Chinese acupuncture with Western medical knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Below are some of the commonly asked questions about acupuncture.

What is acupuncture used for?

  • Arthritis 
  • Headaches (Migraine and Tension) 
  • Muscle Strains 
  • Tendinitis (e.g. Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow) 
  • Rotator Cuff Problems

What type of needle is used?
Acupuncture uses sterile disposable needles that are only a fraction the size of a traditional hypodermic needle used to draw blood. You can fit fifteen acupuncture needles inside the average diameter of one hypodermic needle. Usually the needles are inserted with no discomfort at all.

How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works by inserting needles into very specific spots in the affected structures. This stimulates the nervous system to release biochemical’s that reduce pain and speed up the healing process.


Is acupuncture safe? 
Yes, acupuncture is very safe if performed by a certified acupuncture provider.


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